March 23, 2008

this is dedicated sarbehr.

pressure building awkward angels weaving floorspace jumpsuit shorts disco ranchero festival signal keyboard favor market boston cleaver skeptical lost couch pharmacy face boudoir british popcorn daring sun short man tubby fat bubby cat rubby dubby puppy cubby corn flake sits away escaping flounders breading wedding resolve impact aware stupendous meow fuck basket denied scarf staple very interesting hello goodbye forget dream sickle longevity upon devise frost poem cake birthday gone forever clever generation demise playful kidneys very small sounds very buddha timing mime fringe proposal total global annihilation departure film alive banging upstairs downstairs underneath in between above behind straddling smacking whacking smooch down under because it is bubbly and coarse and designer clothing fashion meow barista flouncy mocha chino beano fart tart art laugh again together we deliver memories and guitars and pizza smelly king fringawawa chooch merry cheekbone ants dormant slumber poop shoot root loot poot.

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